Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

FPI (Front Pembela Indomie..?)

Menggelitik deh , beneran.....

Setelah gak ada kerjaan baca2 timeline orang di twitter, dan berhubung juga saya kurang apdet soal berita2 di Indo....saya ngerasa lucu pas ketemu kata2 FPI alias Front Pembela Indomie itu..

Pas pertama liat saya kira itu cuma sekedar sindiran aja buat organisasi massa yg terkenal itu tuh, yang suka ngurusin yang bukan urusannya.....ternyata singkatan itu berkaitan soal ditariknya Indomie di Taiwan...(WTF..?!?!? FMD.....?!?!<---yg mau tau singkatannya email saya..)

Menurut pemerintah Tai-wan (sori kepencet dash) Indomie mengandung zat2 berbahaya bagi kesehatan, jadi gk boleh dulu beredar di sana. (nice analisis brad..!*sarcasm) (sumpah saya males baca artikelnya..:D )

Nah,kloe menurut saya mah, ini paling urusan bisnis...persaingan gitu....instand noodle yang eatable itu cm negara2 asia yang bisa bikin (proud of it) , beneran, saya tinggal di sydney, you don't know how civilization of the world love Mie Goreng...

Gw kenal beberapa orang disini, yg bukan dari indo, and they adore Indomie Goreng.....so, bottom line, we have made the best instant noodle in the world.

nih buktinya, orang australi aja mati2an bikin tiruannya....judulnya fantastic mi goreng, believe me it taste like horse shit...and the funny thing is....they had english word for mi goreng, it called fried noodle, then why they used the Indonesian word..? ask the marketing manager of the company....

See..? stupid aye..? aye aye....

So, sudahlah jelas klo ini murni persaingan bisnis, Indomie mengalahkan pasar instant noodle di seluruh dunia.....sedangkan negara2 seperti Taiwan juga memproduksi instant noodle, yang mungkin mulai gak laku karena masyarakatnya sendiri lebih doyan makan Indomie (apalagi pke keju,telor,kornet..hmm)...

Nih Mi made in Taiwan yg gk enak itu...:P

Di Sydney sendiri Indomie nembus masuk ke supermarket2 besar, gk cuma dijual di chinese groceries atau Indo groceries...

Well, Long Live Indomie..!! saya udah makan Indomie dri kecil, ampe sekarang, sehat sehat aja....


Camera oh Camera...


Yes, i'm a photographer, this is my sixth years doing photography....but i don't want to write about photography techniques and stuff like that, too boring...beside, i've done that a lot in the other forum, so, guess i'll find something else to write..

So far, i got 2 digital SLR, 1 compact pocket camera, and 6 analog camera...

and i want to share about my analog camera....

the first one..Minolta XG-M (1981)

This is my first camera ever...(well, this one actually the second one, the real first already resting in peace several years ago, but it the same model)

It's a bit historical for me when i used this camera, this camera use to belongs to my dad which already passed away 12 years ago, i found it somewhere in my house, and from that very moment, the magic of photography is just stay and grow in my head.

Since that day, i've started my long journey in photography (i'll share some of my latest work later on)

Some of the Print from this camera...

the second one...Canonet (early 1960's)

Quite an old stuff, haven't tested yet.

I still keep reading the manual instruction on this camera, well, it's an 50 year's old camera, some of the feature like metering and focusing started to look very blurry in the viewfinder, so i've decided to not test it yet, i don't want to waste my roll anyway...but i'll share with you guys if i already test this fella...

the third one.... Voigtlander Dynamatic II (1961-1962)

this guy here almost had the same age as my canonet , already test it, but haven't finish the roll, so, practically the roll still inside the camera, i will share with you guys as well if this roll already processed

the fourth one black Nikon FM2n (1982)

Wew, this one is my babyy....and my latest camera as well, just bought it couple weeks ago...and it just brilliat camera, i don't know why, but it just very enjoyable to used....

this is some the the print (sorry, i don't have any film scanner...)

the fifth one.....Olympus Trip 35 (1967)

Hmmm, not the best i had, but this one is actually pretty good if you know how to use it...not much comment on this one...:D

the sixth one ...Lomo Fish Eye

this one is not mine, but mine is similar...

Love Lomo..! i love the color, seriously, no matter what film you load, it'll turn out gorgeous..i don't have the picture of the camera, it's been used by my roommate and i don't know where the hell he put the camera....but this some of my shot from this little monster...

Well, there you go folks..that's all my analog camera...i'll share more if i got a new one...

wooops, almost forget....i'm looking forward to buy this Rolleiflex 3.5 , wish me luck..!

You'll be mine..!! You'll be mine..!! HAHA..!!

Introducing my self..!


Setelah percobaan berkali-kali untuk buat Blog (baca: lupa ngisi terus), Akhirnya gw memutuskan, untuk nulis blog mulai sekarang, bukan nya latah sih, gw tertarik sama menulis udah sejak 4-5 tahun lalu, tapi ya itu, mood2an, kadang2 nulis, kadang2 engga, paling sering nulis klo lagi patah hati....hahha....

Anyway, kenalan dulu yuk, nama gw bradley , lengkapnya bradley james (yeaaa, i know what you guys thinking about...), IT IS MY REAL NAME....people has been questioning me since decades ago....no matter in Indo, or in Oz , same shit...and they all had the same theory about me and my names , the theory is...this guy is totally asian, he's born in Indo, grown up in Indo, have a parents that also live in Indo, then why on earth this man had a western name..? where's it came from..? to be honest folks, i don't have a single clue about that as well...my closest theory is, well, both of my parents are studying in Australia back in 70's, so i guess they just want to give their son sort of a "bule" name... in Indo,it's always causing trouble for me though, even i'm kind a used to it since it always happen, the biggest trouble is when i need to introduce my self to people...geez..it will takes at least 20 minutes to get them pronounce my name correctly...

Me : Hey, i'm bradley...

some dickhead : who..? fredy...? bredy...? berly...?

Me : Nooo......it's B.R.A.D.L.E.Y..!

that dickhead : oohh, okay....so it's beratley... (say this with indonesian accent)

Me : whatever....

Haha, back when i was a kid, i always think that it's a big deal....but now, hummm, not a problem, you can call me whatever you like. (is it a releave or just too tired about people keep saying my name in a wrong way..?)


As i mentioned before,sekarang saya lagi merantau, sekolah sekaligus jalan2 di Sydney - Australia....tahun terakhir sih, i'll be home next year.....YEAYYY..!!

Buat yang mau coba2 ke Sydney, silahkan dicoba....gk terlalu beda jauh sama indo...(disini orang indo or asian nya banyak banget..!) makanan indo, lengkap, tenang aja.....asala jangan nyari makanan yg udah punah sejenis kerak telor dan temen2nya yah.....

Soal biaya hidup, hmmm, disini klo student ada allowance kerja 20 jam per minggu, gk boleh lebih, gaji kerja kasar disini, cukup memadai, at least bisa lah buat transport, makan, bayar kontrakan, sama nabung sedikit buat seneng2 pas liburan, atau pas pulang ke indo....

Soal hidup, buat gw sihh, agak membosankan disini, tiap weekend ya paling ngopi2, cari resto indo, muter2, nongkrong2 bentar di flat temen, trus pulang....hahaha, not much you can do here, well unless you got unlimited amount of money....:P....

Alright then, i think enough about my self...i'll write more in several days (fingers crossed)
cheers and beers...
